
Wednesday 29 January 2014

Tess Munster

So I recently started following a woman called Tess Munster on instagram. She is a plus size model and I think she is incredibly beautiful. How brave of her for challenging the ideals of what our bodies are supposed to look like! Size has no matter as long as your healthy. I mean just look at some of the thinner people that are really unhealthy. No matter what size you are you can still have illnesses such as anorexia or bulimia so do not tarnish all 'skinny' people with the same brush.
Everyone's body is different. We are all different shapes and sizes and some of us can't change no matter how we try.
If Tess is comfortable with her body then good for her. She is not "glorifying obesity", she is celebrating her body and is comfortable in her own skin.
Picture from
She is beautiful in her own right just as we all are.
She should not be made to feel terrible because of her size.
I find it so refreshing to see gorgeous pictures of a stunning plus size model!
All the best for Tess Muster. To some I have no doubt that she is an inspiration.

What do you think?

Stay Safe.

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