
Wednesday 5 February 2014

I could not live without..

Hi Guys!

So I've complied a list of the things that I literally could not live without. Aside from the obvious you know, food, water, oxygen. So here's my list.

Number 1. Bobby.
For obvious reasons Bobby is s big part of my life and without him I honestly don't know where I would be. I love him more than anything.

Number 2. My family
Luke & I

Turner family

Me & Nan.

Me & Mum
I love my family so much. They drive me crazy but without them life wouldn't be the same.

Number 3. My laptop
Everything I do eventually ends up on my laptop. I use it to watch films, listen to music, when I'm bored and to do coursework. Without it I would have failed my course a long time ago.

Number 4. My engagement ring
I've gotten so used to wearing it that I literally feel naked if I don't have it on! (don't mind the fat fingers)

Number 5. My car (Finley)
I could not cope without my little car. Hopefully getting a new one soonish but still I couldn't carry on without a car.

Number 6. Contact lenses
I couldn't cope without my contact lenses and literally couldn't go back to wearing glasses.

Number 7. My diary
This cute little diary has everything in it. Appointments, special dates and things I need to remember.

Number 8. MY BED
I love my bed more than words can say! It's so comfy and getting into it after a long day is my kind of heaven.

Number 9. Scented candles
As you've just seen I love my bed but I don't sleep very well. These babies put me out like a light.

Number 10. Dry shampoo
Easy, simple, quick. When I don't have time this completely saves me.

Number 11. Brow kit
I can no longer live with not having my eyebrows done. Not drawn on, just filled in.

Number 12. Perfume

My two favourite perfumes. Smell gorgeous

Number 13. Vaseline
This weather does nothing for my lips so this tiny tub of vaseline stops them from cracking and looking just horrible!

So theres a few things I could not live without.
Stay safe.


  1. I love your little list of things, I can relate as well, with the vaseline. I carry a HUGE jar in my purse. lol. Your family is nice. This is a cool post.

  2. Hiya Sierra, thanks, I'm glad you liked it. Family is extremely important to me xo
